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It’s Wednesday again and we came back to remind you to: FEEL EMPOWERED!

How many times you started a so called “diet” , giving up afterwards because it was too damn hard to keep up? Eating clean all the time, only veggies and lean sources of protein, avoiding pizza, white bread, pasta and at „all costs” sweets& chips can be difficult… and not quite sustainable long term.

Without any other introduction, we will just dig into the today’s subject on interest:

How can you turn a restrictive diet into a more enjoyable one?

1.Stop being way to restrictive

While avoiding sweets, sodas, fast food and any other food you used to enjoy eating is ideal, you don’t have to remove them completely from your diet.

Find a balance between healthy food and “not-so-healthy food”.

As a tip, we would recommend 3 options for you:

Apply the “80-20 rule” which basically means you eat 80% healthy and the other 20% you allow yourself to enjoy some guilty pleasure.

Try to eat as healthy as you can during the week and on the weekend allow yourself a treat without feeling guilty.

Eat as healthy as you can, but only when you crave something, allow yourself to eat it in moderation.

2.Focus on long term results rather than short term.

When you start a diet, you’re probably doing that because you aim for a specific goal in a specific period of time. But do not adopt the mentality “all or nothing” because it can be draining, it can wear you out.

Think long term and start step by step to change your old habits of eating with new healthier ones.

Don’t start to avoid carbs or fats, for that matter, because you heard they are “the enemy” (It is NOT true!), instead learn how to eat mindfully. Click here for more info about carbs, fats, proteins and how to include them into your diet.

3.Focus on mind and body, rather than only body.

You know the old-saying: “ Mens sana in corpore sano” (“ A healthy mind in a healthy body”), right?

More times than it should, people start working out and eating healthier only for aesthetics. We may all be guilty of that, but your mental health is so important for getting the results you want. If we may say, it’s crucial.

If you’re way to restricitve you can start being moody, anxious, nervous and you and the people around you clearly don’t want that. Moreover, you’re most likely to get mad at yourself because you can’t keep up with your diet either because it’s too damn hard, because it’s “not for you” or because that’s just no way of living.

4.Listen to your body & enjoy life

Eat mindfully, be flexible, take control over your diet and invite good habits to enter your new lifestyle.

„It can seem counter-intuitive, but the best way to create more consistency with the way you nourish yourself is to have more flexibility to enjoy all the foods you like in a mindful way, rather than being more restrictive.”

Alexandra Matiș

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